Aprovados Editais 001 e 002/2023
É com grande felicidade que apresentamos os aprovados do processo seletivo.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy of printing and typesetting and industry. Lorem Ipsum been.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy of printing and typesetting and industry. Lorem Ipsum been.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy of printing and typesetting and industry. Lorem Ipsum been.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy of printing and typesetting and industry. Lorem Ipsum been.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy of printing and typesetting and industry. Lorem Ipsum been.
Many variations of at Lorem Ipsum but the majority have suffered. Lorem Ipsum the majority suffered.
Many variations of at Lorem Ipsum but the majority have suffered. Lorem Ipsum the majority suffered.
Many variations of at Lorem Ipsum but the majority have suffered. Lorem Ipsum the majority suffered.
Many variations of at Lorem Ipsum but the majority have suffered. Lorem Ipsum the majority suffered.
Many variations of at Lorem Ipsum but the majority have suffered. Lorem Ipsum the majority suffered.
Many variations of at Lorem Ipsum but the majority have suffered. Lorem Ipsum the majority suffered.
Fique em dia com as novidades e notícias da fundação
É com grande felicidade que apresentamos os aprovados do processo seletivo.
33° Reunião Extraordinária deste Conselho, agendada para o dia 09 de outubro de 2023, com início a 09:00 h e término as 12:00 h, podendo ser prorrogada por não mais que 30 minutos mediante aprovação do Curador.
Para acompanhar a basta acessar o canal da FUNTEF PR no Youtube.
Entre em contato conosco e vamos juntos construir uma parceria de sucesso!